Monday, August 8, 2011

A Witty Love

I read a lot of poems, and since poems are usually centered around a very romantic plot, that's a lot of what I read. I enjoy this a lot actually, but sometimes it gives us a very candy-coated definition of Love. Honestly, I don't believe in defining Love (except to label it as an emotion/ state of being/ chemical process of the brain/ whatever) it's different for most everyone. Some people think a starry night and wine is the essence of Romance, whereas, some people believe Subway is a perfectly romantic date. So, when I read poems about Love, I feel honored to have been able to share and connect with that person's idea of Love. However, I feel a bit hopeless at the same time. (especially when I'm single) I feel like I'm missing out on some part of life that everyone has experienced.
                I believe that I've been in love with someone, and at the time it was great. I always thought that we'd be in love forever and be super romantic and live together in New York and all these other perfectly hopeless fantasies. Reality, however, had to step in. We soon realized the gravity of the things we said, and that changed her feelings pretty quickly. I'm really confused, though. I didn't think Love was something that changed. I thought it was this constant emotion or state of being or chemical process of the brain or whatever, and it just went away as fast as it had come.
              I want someone to sit with me under the stars, and to take me to Subway. I want to hold someone's hand, and fall asleep in their arms. I want to stay up late and talk about nothing, and love every second of it. I want to be able to be witty and fun and loving, and I want her to be fantastic and beautiful and intelligent. But this is only High School, I'm pretty sure my standards are too high.
              I just want to be a simple, hopeless romantic, high schooler, but I think that's too much to ask.
Thank you for reading c:

Monday, July 25, 2011


The silent minute
Drags more than all
The reverberating air
Ignores the folds which define thought
At least mine own
You, of the devil's complexion
Freely do thine mental statements overflow
Drown me
However shallow they be
Allow the ocean of pensive thought
demolish my poor craft
My catalyst
My embodiment
Though a fragment remains
Shall I breathe into it?
Ponder deeply
But ignorance allows bliss
Squawking phantoms of opinion
Much like the minute of silence
Grease the murder cog
Deafened ears ne'er grasp hold of either

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Avoiding Glances

I'm confused as to the reason why when people are put in a room together, they avoid eye contact. They avoid any type of communication whatsoever. I don't understand why people are afraid to speak up and be friendly. I would love to introduce myself to any stranger* that I just so happened to be in the same room with. We live in such a fast food type world, and I don't know about you, but that scares me.
I read an article and watched a video about how people react to a "stress" type situation.
Two actors, a man and a little girl, would act out a kidnapping scene in the middle of the street. They did this to test who would stop and help the little girl. Almost none of the people stopped. It interfered with where they had to be, so why should they stop?
This is a very upsetting circumstance. It tells me that the majority of the people in this world are too busy to help the common good. I understand that the people could have been scared that the man would have hurt them if they got involved, but in the long run, when it comes to warping a life in such a way like that, I definitely believe that a few hits are worth saving someone.
On another note, at the end of the video some men stopped and tried to help her. This was exciting for me, it gave me a glimmer of hope for humanity. It made me want to go out and do something to stop it, and I swear I will one day. Anyway,  just think about it, and have an amazing day. :D

Stranger*- not the creepy kind that you've been warned not to talk to.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Food For Thought

The power of music never ceases to amaze me. I can be in the foulest mood ever, but when I listen to "Sleeping Patterns" by Merchant Ships, I automatically understand why I feel that way. This song helps ease my mind while I collect my emotions. Also, it gives me a sense of peace in a world where peace has been forgotten. I feel that everything is okay in the world as long as this song is playing.
I've always wanted to make music like that, and I try. My recording isn't the best, but I try my best to empathize with the youth of the day. I think that's one of the things we all want in life. We want to empathize and feel something with others. We don't want to sit alone on our computers all our life. We want to go out and be someone, and do something. Well, at least I do. I don't know about everyone else. I'd like you to leave a comment, or contact me in some way telling me exactly what you want to do with your life. Maybe it will be the push you need to get in there and do it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A little hope mixed with a little disapointment

I want to tell you about what happens to me on a daily basis. I know this is not just me, but I also know it's not many people. I always look at people and put them in an experiment of sorts. I love walking up to people, and testing how they react to the certain ways I speak, and to the specific words I say. What I've found is quite interesting.
One day, while I was in school, I gave myself a mission. I would find a few people a day and compliment them on something that I liked about them. The first person I walked up to was a very lovely girl. I walked up and said, "Hello, you look beautiful today." what I expected to hear back was something along the lines of, "Oh, thank you so much." and possibly a compliment back, but in fact just the opposite happened. She looked at me with one of the most disgusted looks on her face, as if I told her she looked like a pig.
This type of thing bothers me. We lack the decency to accept a compliment. Instead, we think there has to be some ulterior motive behind it. We think, at least the people I gathered information about do, that if we let someone think good thoughts about them, then somehow they've won some part of them. I can't really blame the girl, to be honest. She was the type of girl who is fooled easily by the clever lies today's youths spread like wildfire. "I love you, I'll love you forever." It's a straight up lie, and however cleverly worded it might be, it is still an overly used cliche that people continue to fall for.
On another note, there were many people who, when complimented, became overcome with joy. This was my main goal in the experiment. I was really just trying to spread happiness where there wasn't much. I hope I accomplished that.