Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Oh, cliches, let us gather together and spread our sickening messages to the deaf ears of our world. I will use one for lack of a better illustration.
     Life is a forest. It is dense and humid. Many times in life, the path is not always clear. As humans, we often find ourselves falling into a pit of despair where nothing can mend the wounds of the day except maybe a night of rest or a cleared mind. Like a forest, life throws countless obstacles in our direction. What gives us wisdom is struggling through all of those obstacles and finding the path out of the forest.
    I urge you to learn from these obstacles and difficulties. Nothing productive comes from talking about how bad your life sucks or how hard it is these days. Personally, I keep a journal. I write poems in it, my thoughts, stories, anything. This journal is full of my mistakes, my broken promises, my faults, and generally how I made amends with them. Of course, who am I to give life lessons? I'm just a kid in this day.